1969 born in Saarbrücken, Germany
1989−1996 Studies of Mathematics and Physics at the Universities of Saarbrücken and Cologne
1995−2022 Member of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society)
1996 Master of Science, Thesis in Theoretical High Energy Physics
1996−1997 Scientific Assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute for Colloid and Surface Research, Berlin
1998−1999 Scientific Assistant at the Department of Physics, University of Essen
1999−2000 Guest Student at Kunstakademie (Academy of Fine Art) Düsseldorf
2000−2001 Studies in Multi Media Design at ca.medien.colleg, Essen; certificate with distinction
2002−2014 Member of Berufsverband Bildender Künstler (BBK − Federal Association of Artists)
2003−2018 Member of Künstlerhaus Dortmund, member of the board 2005−2012
co-curating of exhibition and artist-in-residence programs
2010−2022 Member of Westdeutscher Künstlerbund
Member of the board 2014−2016
since 2013 Member of Deutscher Künstlerbund (German Artists' Association)
since 2016 IGBK Delegate for Deutscher Künstlerbund
since 2017 Member of the Canadian Artists Representation CARFAC
2018−2024 Interdisciplinary PhD studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
with the project "AMBIVALAND"
since 2021 Member of Eastern Edge artist-run centre, St, John's NL, CA
since 2022 Member of Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken, Germany
Member of the board since 2024
05/2024 PhD at Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
11/2024 Adjunct professor, Dept. of Gender Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA

Grants | Awards

2024 Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
2021 NEUSTART KULTUR grant, Stiftung Kulturwerk, Berlin, DE
2019 Graduate Fellowship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
2018 A.G. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
2017 Project Grant for Four Good Eyes, Canadian Geological Foundation, CA
2015 Sponsorship Award for The Vinland Phenomenon, Foundation for Canadian Studies, Trier, DE
AiR Bergen, Residency Grant, Kulturhuset USF, Bergen, NO
2014 Saari Residence Stipend, Kone Foundation Helsinki, Hietamäki, FI
2013 Residency Grant and Work Stipend, RONDO studio program of the federal state of Styria, Graz, AT
2012 AiR Bergen, Residency Grant, Kulturhuset USF, Bergen, NO
Project Stipend by the Norwegian-German Willy-Brandt-Foundation, NO/DE
Residency Grant, Cill Rialaig Project, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, IR
Residency Grant, Tilting Recreation & Cultural Society, Fogo Island, Newfoundland, CA
ISER Research Grant, Faculty of Arts, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA
2011 Residency Grant and Project Stipend, Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, CA
by The Rooms Art Gallery, St. John's in cooperation with Parks Canada, CA
2010 Residency Grant and Work Stipend, Centre DAIMON, Gatineau/Ottawa, CA
Travel Grant by the Goethe-Institut Montreal, CA
2009 Residency Grant, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, AT
Work Stipend and Travel Grant, EU Project Urban Interventions, AT/DE
magmart Video Festival Award for marées_chalet_07_23, Naples, IT
2008 Residency Grant, Centre Est-Nord-Est, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec, CA
Artist Residency, Contemporary Arts and Spirits (CAS), Osaka, JP
Travel Grant by the German Institute for Foreign Relations (ifa) and the Japan Foundation, DE/JP
2007 Residency Grant, Pouch Cove Foundation, Pouch Cove, Newfoundland, CA
2006 Artist Residency, Foundation B.a.d, Rotterdam, NL
1999-2001 Studio Grant by the City of Oberhausen, DE

Exhibitions | Festivals [selected]

S = Solo Show | G = Group Show | C = Catalogue | for conference presentations scroll down

2024 LOOT BAG, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John's NL, CA (G)
Small Works, James Baird Gallery, Pouch Cove NL, CA (G)

2023 JAMBOREE, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Saarbrücken, DE (G/C)
GO:40, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Dortmund, DE (G)
Newfound Videos, presentation, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Saarbrücken, DE
BOIL-UP, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John's NL, CA (G)

2022 New erfunden Land, Kunstraum SG1, Duisburg, DE (S)
Rethinking Nature, Masc Foundation, Vienna, AT (G)
POTLUCK, Eastern Edge Gallery, St. John's NL, CA (G)

2021 Vagabundierende Lichter / Vagrant Lights, projections in urban space, Dortmund, DE
Unscripted Twillingate, Digital Arts Festival, Twillingate NL, CA
MUSAO, Museum Astray Ottakring, Vienna, AT (G)

2020 Newfoundland Through A Window, Arts and Culture Centre Corner Brook NL, CA (G)
CB Nuit, multidisciplinary arts festival, Corner Brook NL, CA

2019 Flüchtige Entwürfe, Projektraum Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin, DE (G)
10+10=20, Ausstellungshalle am Hawerkamp, Münster DE (G)
Bewegte Bilder, KT Zentrum für Kreativität und Therapie, Dortmund, DE (S)

2018 auswärts, Kloster Bentlage, Rheine, DE (G)
ohne Kohle, Zeche Schlägel & Eisen, Herten, DE (G/C)
Raised Beaches and Dropped Stones, book launch, Geology Centre, Fogo Island, CA
LISALUNA Shortfilm Shortfestival, Duisburg, DE
Filmmusikfest, Cologne, DE

2017 Auf Achse, Salzamt, Linz, AT (G)
BABE, Bristol Artists Book Event, with the Voyage Collective, Bristol, UK
CODEX 2017, 6th Biennial Int. Book Art Fair, with the Voyage Collective, Richmond, US
What Now What: Change the Climate, charity event, Industry City Distillery, New York, US
Heimat?, Project Space of Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin, DE (G)

2016 The Vinland Phenomenon, Kunstverein Norden, DE (S)
Toronto Art Book Fair, with the Voyage Collective, Toronto, CA

2015 Nature happens., German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, DE (S)
ECHOES, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE (G)
London Art Book Fair, with the Voyage Collective, London, UK

2014 Dortmunder Export, Kunstverein Haus 8, Kiel, DE (G)
Cinema B-Open, public screening, Bergen, NO
Vestischer Künstlerbund Award 2014, Kutscherhaus, Recklinghausen, DE (G/C)
1900s: 100 video artists to tell a century, screening, Jia Pingwa Museum of Art, Xi'an, CHN
turn the page Book Art Fair, with the Voyage Collective, Norwich, UK

2013 1900s: 100 video artists to tell a century, selected screenings:
Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome, IT; video festival Now&After,
MMOMA, RUS; Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, US
BO-WKB 2013, Westdeutscher Künstlerbund, Kunstmuseum Bochum, DE (G/C)
face to face, video installation, Kulturpfadfest, Burgplatz, Essen, DE
jellyfire:rotunde, video installation, Rotunde, Bochum, DE (S)
41 Meter Fluchtweg, Schaumbad, Graz, AT (G)

2012 p.log, presentation series at various locations in Bergen, NO
Gerhard was here, 34. Duisburger Akzente, Mercator Quartier, Duisburg, DE (G)
Geballte Streuung, Quartier am Hafen, Cologne, DE(G)
in Residence, Laboratorium at Kuenstlerhaus Dortmund, DE (G/C)

2011 sublim, sound performance and video projection, with Anja Lautermann, Malkasten, Düsseldorf, DE
ich sehe 2, with Elisabeth Höller, Atelierhaus für Kunst/Medien/Kommunikation, Essen, DE
terra nova, screening, Visitor Center, Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, CA

2010 irritiert, Künstlerzeche Unser Fritz, Herne, DE (S)
last (but not final!) stop DAIMON, Centre DAIMON, Gatineau/Ottawa, CA (S)
estuaire central, presentation, articule, Montreal, CA
magmart video festival, Naples, IT
Landpartie, Westdeutscher Künstlerbund, Museum Ahlen, DE (G/C)
transient_storm, video installation, Kulturpfad festival, Essen, DE
Urban Interventions, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE (G)
Video - I see, with Elisabeth Höller, Kunstverein Duisburg, DE (S)

2009 estuaire central, presentation, Pecha Kucha Night, Dortmund, DE
magmart video festival, Naples, IT
space shuttle 2.0, Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna, AT (G/C)
Translocation, with Daniel Simpkins and Penny Whitehead, Salzamt, Linz, AT

2008 21. Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Festival for Expanded Media, Stuttgart, DE (C)
jellyfire - an audiovisual installation, Kuenstlerhaushalt, Oberhausen, DE (S)
Aufkreuzen in Telgte, Museum Telgte, DE (G)
Kulturpfad festival, Old-Catholic Peace Church, Essen, DE
Inzicht/Aperçu/Einblick, Galerie La Vitrine, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli QC, CA (G)
J-POP/G-POP, CASO, Osaka, JP (G/C)
Artsite, Seian University, Kyoto, JP

2007 geodesic, Presentation at the Goethe-Institute Montreal, CA
ice'n'skies, Gallery James Baird, St. John's NL, CA (S)

2006 earthskyearth- an audiovisual installation, Künstlerzeche Unser Fritz 2/3, Herne, DE (S/C)
Landscapes, De Toren van Babel, Utrecht, NL (G)
Light & Sound, SKOP, Frankfurt/Main, DE
forum.06, Kokerei Zollverein, Essen (G)
Open Atelier Route Charlois, Foundation B.a.d, Rotterdam, NL
Tesla-Project, Belgrade, SRB (G/C)

2005 earthsky - skyearth, De Cacaofabriek, Helmond, NL (S)
earthskyearth, Galerie Torhaus Rombergpark, Dortmund, DE (S)
the other sight - artists and physics, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE (concept and organisation/C)

2004 is it coming or going?, Forum Kunst & Architektur, Essen, DE (S)
Alles im Lot(h), Zeche Lothringen, Bochum, DE (G/C)
earthsky, Laboratorium, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE (S)

2003 Kunsthalle m3, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin, DE (G)
Die Wirklichkeit ist anders., with Johannes Nawrath, GEA-AG, Bochum, DE (E)
50 JA, Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund, DE (G/C)

2002 forumtriebig, Mülheimer Medien Meile, Mülheim/Ruhr, DE (G)

2001 kanalebendig, Kanale 2001, Rhine-Herne-Canal, Oberhausen, DE (G)

2000 Museum 3000, Galerie im Blauen Laden, Oberhausen, DE (S)
Rundgang 2000, open studios, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, DE
eingebeetet, Besondere Orte, Oberhausen, DE (G)

1999 Walzenlager, Zentrum Altenberg, Oberhausen, DE (S)

Conferences | Symposia | Workshops

2024 Unsettling Colonial Legacies in Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University, St. John's NL, CA

2023 Aesthetics of Contamination conference, presenter, Memorial University, St. John's NL, CA

2021 onAIRISM: Challenges and Transitions of Artist Residencies, project team member, IGBK, Berlin, DE

2019 Regarding Uncertainty conference, presenter, Concordia University, Montreal, CA

2015 36th Annual Conference, Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS), presenter, Hotel Badersee, Grainau, DE

2014 Home Is Where..., presenter, KunstVereineRuhr in coop. with Trans Artists and Urbane Künste Ruhr, Henrichenburg, DE

2013 47.04980° N | 15.43636° E, Models of artist-run studio and exhibition spaces in Europe, presenter, Schaumbad, Graz, AT

2011 Artists in Transit, workshop coordinator, symposium und workshop by IGBK in collaboration with Trans Artists, Kunsthochschule Weißensee, ifa and IAA Europe, Berlin, DE

2010 ISEA Ruhr 2010, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Dortmund, DE
Artist-in-Residence Meeting Ruhr 2010, Kunsthaus Essen, Künstlerhaus Dortmund und Trans Artists, Essen and Dortmund, DE

2009 Mobility in the Visual Arts Sector in Europe, Experts' Meeting, IGBK, Linz, AT
Einstein & Picasso, British Council Germany, DASA, Dortmund, DE

2007 Satellite Voyeurism, Symposium, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Phoenixhalle, Dortmund, DE

2005 this sight - physicists and art, organizer, lecture series, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE

1998 Applications of Field Theory to Statistical Physics: Soft Condensed Matter, Non-Equilibrium and Boundary Critical Phenomena, Bonn, DE

1997 Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics, Int. Summer School, Odenthal-Altenberg, DE

1995 Recent Developments in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, IT
String Theory, Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, International Spring School, ICTP, Trieste, IT