
MONSTERS'N'GHOSTS (working title)

Visual experiments in progress

Inspired by the conference Aesthetics of Contamination and the publication Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet (Tsing et al. 2017), and in celebration of my introduction to intermedia research creation, I am experimenting with several new approaches. Availing of my physical self, ruthlessly exploiting the power of playfulness, and presenting work in progress online are practices I used to avoid. Now, I plunge into them. Another new strand is to revisit, reassemble, and repurpose existing works.

"Monsters" and "Ghosts" are the titles of the two parts/volumes of the book by Anna Tsing and her co-editors. In addition to signifying "creatures of ambivalent entanglement" (M11), I read them as encouragements for transcending entrenched assumptions and rigid conceptions about ourselves and our fellow terrestrials and tapping into ingenuousness and flexibility instead. The same qualities are key for developing "Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet" and acknowledging and exploiting the "Aesthetics of Contamination."

Below, you find links to new visual raw material created in the spirit of these ideas. Regarding the rereading and recombination of older works, I am currently considering how to best present that process online.

cyborgs, holobionts, and other critters

ghosts on the hill




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